Appareil de mesure de la température

Des appareils de mesure de la température

  • Conception robuste
  • Capteurs ultra-précis
  • Large choix de sondes –
    avec également des modèles spéciaux
  • Calibrage et service garantis par le fournisseur lui-même

Aucune grandeur de mesure n’est plus importante que la température. Nous y sommes chaque jour confrontés et la plupart de personnes ont une idée bien à elles de la température idéale dans chaque situation. C’est ici que se pose le plus gros problème : les êtes humains ne font que ressentir les températures.

Des appareils de mesure de la température doivent être utilisés pour obtenir des résultats objectifs et comparables. Chez Testo, vous trouverez différents thermomètres, instruments de mesure de la température ou thermomètres numériques en fonction de vos applications concrètes.

Ce qu’un thermomètre de Testo vous offre :

  • Conception robuste, également pour les cas pratiques les plus exigeants
  • Capteurs ultra-précis pour des résultats de mesure fiables et précis
  • Large choix de sondes pour votre appareil de mesure de la température – avec également des modèles spéciaux
  • Calibrage et service garantis par le fournisseur lui-même

Appareils de mesure pour la température

Thermomètres à infrarouges

Appareils de mesure de la température

Mesurent la température en toute sécurité et avec précision, sans aucun contact.

Appareils de mesure pour la température superficielle

Thermomètre numérique

Appareils de mesure de la température avec sondes fixes ou amovibles pour les températures superficielles.

Appareils de mesure pour la température de l’air

Mesure de la température

Instruments de mesure précis pour les températures de l’air.

Thermomètres de pénétration

Appareil de mesure de la température de Testo

Mesurent les températures dans les substances solides ou visqueuses.

Immersion thermometer

Testo measuring instruments

For temperature measurement in liquids. Can also be used in aggressive media.

Temperature measuring strips

Temperature measuring strips

The really economical alternative to the temperature meter.

Thermal imagers

Temperature monitoring

Visualize temperatures. Ideal for maintenance, the building trade and heating engineering.

Temperature data logger

Temperature data logger

Practical aids for temperature monitoring.

Where do you want to measure temperature?

How to contact us.

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Temperature measuring instruments in use

Temperature meter

The fields of application for temperature meters, digital thermometers and temperature measuring instruments are very varied. Here are just the most important ones:

  • Spot checking of food
  • Temperature monitoring of food transportation
  • Measuring the temperature in the centre of flue gas flow in chimneys/flue gas ducts
  • Measurement of different air temperatures
  • Surface measurement for checking the pre-heating temperature when welding
  • Immersion measurement in chemical solutions for maintaining temperatures during etching processes
  • Surface temperature measurement on bearings and gear mechanisms in mechanical engineering

Thermometers operated by smartphone

Thermometers operated by smartphone
Thermometer operated by smartphone

Compact measuring instruments for your smartphone

Our all-rounders for all important measuring tasks. Members of the Smart Probes family are not just temperature measuring instruments. These innovations also include pressure and flow meters, all fully operated via the testo Smart App.

The testo Smart Probes VAC kit enables you to measure temperature, speed and air humidity, as well as to calculate volume flows. Ideal for air conditioning and ventilation systems.

Tips and tricks for temperature measurement and monitoring

Tips and tricks for temperature measurement

A temperature meter in itself means you have already taken the first step. However, you need to bear a few things in mind for really efficient and precise temperature measurement.

Temperature measurement in liquids

With your temperature measuring instrument, choose a probe immersion depth of 10 to 15 times the probe diameter. This reduces measurement errors. In addition, it helps the accuracy of the measurement result if you keep the liquid moving during the measurement.

Surface measurement

In this case, the probe head is placed vertically onto the surface. Here it is important to ensure that neither the contact surface of the probe head nor the measurement object are uneven, as this can falsify the measurement.

Air measurement with a digital thermometer

When measuring moving air with a temperature meter, the measurement probe is simply introduced into the environment being measured. Due to its special design, the air probe has a very short response time. The measurement result can be improved by moving the probe through the air at 2 – 3 m/s during the measurement.

More measuring instruments from Testo

More measuring instruments from Testo

Record temperatures

There are applications where a temperature meter is not enough. For instance, when it is a case of monitoring temperatures over the long term and reliably recording the readings. This is where temperature data loggers are used. The small aids are ideally suited for temperature monitoring, making work a little bit easier every day for quality managers and facility managers all over the world.


When you need to integrate temperature readings seamlessly into automated building services, then it is temperature transmitters that are required. First of all, they measure the temperature, just like a temperature meter – however, they then convert the measuring values into a standardized electrical signal which can be further processed to control specific procedures.

Measure surface temperatures

In the broad spectrum of temperature measurement, particularly high importance is attached to surface temperature measurement. Because it is not just in industry, trade or facility management that a surface temperature measuring instrument is used. The food industry is also – and above all – the sector where this measurement method is one of the most common. In the end, spot checks on the quality of food can be carried out quickly and reliably using surface temperature measurement. And precise measurement of the surface temperature often makes laborious measurement of the core temperature superfluous.