
Vaš merilnik vlažnosti Testo

  • veliko izbiro različnih merilnih instrumentov in sond
  • hitre, natančne merilne rezultate in
  • odporno konstrukcijo z zanesljivo kakovostjo blagovne znamke

Merilnik vlažnosti Testo (imenovan tudi termo-higrometer, higrometer ali merilnik vlažnosti) meri vlažnost in vlažnost materialov zanesljivo, hitro in natančno.

Merilniki vlažnosti Testo vam ponujajo naslednje:

  • veliko izbiro različnih merilnih instrumentov in sond,
  • hitre, natančne merilne rezultate in
  • odporno konstrukcijo z zanesljivo kakovostjo blagovne znamke.

Izmerite vlažnost s higrometrom

Vlažnost, ki se pojavlja v sobi, je odvisna od naslednjih dejavnikov:

  • ustvarjanja vlažnosti v sami sobi,
  • izmenjave zraka z zunanjim zrakom,
  • sposobnosti sten, da vpijajo vlažnost, in
  • vlažnosti, ki jo prenašajo zunanji sestavni deli stavbe.

Naši merilniki vlažnosti in higrometri

Merilniki vlažnosti zraka

Merjenje vlažnosti s Testom
Nujen vsestranski merilnik kakovosti zraka v zaprtih prostorih. Meri vlažnost zraka in temperaturo itn.

Merilnik vlage v materialih

Merjenje vlage s Testom

Naši dokazani higrometri za stene, estrihe, gradbene materiale in les.

Sonde za vlažnost

Higrometer Testo

Velika izbira za vsaki merilnik vlažnosti Testo.

Zapisovalnik podatkov o vlažnosti

Zapisovalnik podatkov o vlažnosti

Zanesljivo merjenje in dokumentiranje vrednosti vlažnosti in temperature.

Kje bi radi merili vlažnost?

Kako nas kontaktirate

Imate kakršnakoli vprašanja?
Z veseljem vam pomagamo.
Merilnikom vlažnosti

Izmerite vlažnost materiala z merilnikom vlažnosti

Vlažnost materiala se najpogosteje meri, kadar gre za ugotavljanje vsebnosti vlage v gradbenih materialih ali gorivih. V obeh primerih, je ključnega pomena, da je vlažnost pod določeno mejno vrednostjo. Pri tem postopku vas podpira digitalni merilnik vlažnosti.

Ugotovite vlažnost z merilnikom vlažnosti - ampak pravilno

  • Poskrbite, da niti telesna toplota niti zrak, ki ga vdihujete ne prideta do sonde ali merilnika vlažnosti.
  • Za najboljše možne rezultate z vašim merilnikom vlažnosti vedno pazljivo premikajte sondo, kadar merite vlažnost.
  • Upoštevajte čas prilagoditve za higrometre in sonde.
  • Vlažnost merite s termo-higrometrom na višini približno 1,1 m v središču prostora.

Komplet za vlažnost testo 440 z Bluetoothom

Komplet za vlažnost testo 440 z Bluetoothom

Izmerite vlažnost - intuitivno

  • Shranjen meni za dolgoročna merjenja in vzporedno ugotavljanje vlažnosti in temperature zraka
  • Samodejno izračunavanje rosišča, temperature mokrega termometra in absolutne vlažnosti 
  • Brezžična sonda za vlažnost za posebej olajšano delo
  • Merilni instrument za merjenje hitrosti zraka in kakovosti zraka v zaprtih prostorih testo 440/merilnik vlažnosti se lahko razširi s širokim razponom digitalnih sond.
  • testo 440 Humidity Kit with Bluetooth® testo 440 Humidity Kit with Bluetooth®

    testo 440 Humidity Kit with Bluetooth®

    Order-Nr. 0563 4404

    • Intuitive: clearly structured measurement menu for long-term measurements as well as the parallel determination of humidity and air temperature in storage, refrigerated and work rooms and also in ventilation ducts
    • Precise: calculation of dew point, wet bulb temperature and absolute humidity

Indoor air quality and comfort level

Air humidity has a crucial influence in terms of how well or unwell people in a room feel. The ideal ambient humidity is between 30 and 65% RH. In addition, temperature is also of course crucial. As you certainly know: high humidity can be extremely stressful at correspondingly high temperatures. You soon feel as if you were in the jungle.

That is why a Testo moisture meter is generally fitted with humidity and temperature sensors. This means you can always keep an eye on the two corresponding values. Depending on the model, your moisture meter can also calculate and show the dewpoint temperature based on these values. This is in turn crucial in terms of assessing areas in a room that are susceptible to mould.

Further measuring instruments

Further measuring instruments

Instead of a thermohygrometer: humidity data logger

A humidity data logger is basically a digital moisture meter which measures continuously and records the measuring values. This is crucial for the storage of goods which are sensitive to moisture, such as pharmaceuticals or food. However, the air humidity must not exceed defined limit values when it comes to storing objects of art either.

Digital moisture meter – non-contact

The moisture on surfaces can also be measured really easily from a distance with an appropriate measuring instrument. At the same time, you can choose between two options:

The parameters measured by an infrared thermometer with humidity measurement include indoor air humidity and dew point distance. This enables you to detect areas in rooms that are susceptible to mould at an early stage and to introduce appropriate countermeasures.

Thermal imagers with humidity measurement do not just measure moisture on surfaces, but even make it visible. This a particularly crucial for the detection of mould risk. Because the thermal image makes susceptible areas clear really simply using the traffic light principle. Areas which have an acute risk of mould are shown as red, those not at risk as green. Yellow areas are just about OK.

Material moisture

Can the firewood be burnt yet? Is the screed dry yet? Can the construction timber be processed yet? A material moisture meter always has the right answer to all these questions. A glance at the display is enough for you to save yourself expensive repairs. For instance, if fitted elements have to be laboriously removed again, because timbers have distorted while they were progressively drying out.